Wedding anniversary greetings are very important for any married couple, be it your friend or family or spouse. We all need to wish on our special day. And the wedding anniversary is a special day in one’s life. It gives them a fresh start in life. Do not miss any opportunity to greet the couple on their wedding or anniversary. You never know that your anniversary message may make them happier that they have completed another year of their happy married life and you take care of their happiness. Lasting love here! Yes, a year ago it was still time for the newlyweds to send their birthday wishes…. Now is the time to appreciate and celebrate their endless commitment and love for each other. Well, in addition to the newly married couple, there are many more couples from your close friend to the gray haired couple.
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Table of Contents
Wish #1:
I wish you all the best as you begin another year of your lives together. Happy Anniversary.
Wish #2:
শুভ বিবাহবার্ষিকী.
Wish #3:
অভিনন্দন …. এগিয়ে যাও শতবর্ষে.
Wish # 4:
তোর বৌটা ভালো এইজন্য নিরিবিলি সংসার কবে যাচ্ছিস। এতো ভুংভাং করার প্রয়োজন দেখিনা। মজা করলাম বন্ধু। শুভ বিবাহবার্ষিকী। খুব ভালো থাকিস। এভাবেই এগিয়ে চল।
Wish #5:
অনন্তকাল এভাবেই জড়িয়ে থাক দুটি প্রাণ এক সুতোর মালা হয়ে, টক ঝাল মিষ্টির আবেশে।শুভ বিবাহ বার্ষিকী
Wish #6:
হ্যাপি এনিভার্সারি। বিপরীত মানসিকতাই ভাল। ব্যালেন্সড।
Wish #7:
That’s call Marriage Anniversary
Wish #8:
Happy Anniversary. Stay Safe. All The Best.
Wish #9:
May you continue to live a full and joyous life together for many more years yet to come. Happy Anniversary!
Wish #10:
Wishing both of you a happy anniversary & all the best.
Wish #11:
It’s amazing, created new stars. Happy Anniversary. Best wishes to you and your family.
Wish #12:
Happy grand anniversary…be blessed and happy always.
Wish #13:
নিয়তি মেনে বাকি জীবনটা কাটাই দাও বন্ধু শুভ বিবাহবার্ষীকী।
Wish #14:
Really its Amazing! Happy anniversary.
Wish #15:
Happy Anniversary. Be blessed always by the grace of Almighty.
Wish #16:
Happy anniversary to you both. Wish you all the best. Everything is different but the soul is United…….
Wish #17:
Happy Anniversary to …… . Many many happy returns of the day. Wishing you both more glorious and peaceful life for today and ever.
Wish #18:
শুভ বিবাহ বার্ষিকী তে অনেক অনেক শুভ কামনা.
Wish #19:
Congratulations & happy anniversary to u both… May u have many more together….
Wish # 20:
Happy anniversary; stay tuned blissfully Worthwhile realizations.
These wishes make us salutary to congratulate.
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot