Leap Year Quotes and wishes
“Happiest birthday leapers—realize this, leapers are exceptional gems, born in a leap year—and guess what? They age 4 times slower than everyone else! To my leapers, greater grace, more wins. All my love, Mercy Seaphrora IV ”-Princess Dr. Mercy Uwakwe
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- “Happiest birthday leapers—realize this, leapers are exceptional gems, born in a leap year—and guess what? They age 4 times slower than everyone else! To my leapers, greater grace, more wins. All my love, Mercy Seaphrora IV ”-Princess Dr. Mercy Uwakwe
- “So it was that on the twenty-ninth day of February, at the beginning of the thaw, this singular person fell out of infinity into Iping Village.”- G. Wells, The Invisible Man
- “Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous New Year by believing. Believe in yourself. And believe that there is a loving Source – a Sower of Dreams – just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams come true.”- Sarah Ban Breathnach
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so you must be elated that your birthday is finally being celebrated! Happy leap year birthday!
- Cheers to the person who is always younger than they look! Happy leap year birthday!
- Childhood is fleeting, unless you are a leap year baby! Sending you happy leap year birthday wishes!
- Embrace the rarity of this day and take a leap of faith into new adventures!
- Everyone dreams of freezing time. Those lucky enough to be born on February 29have this fantastic power. Enjoy every minute of it! Have the happiest Leap Year Birthday!
- Everyone dreams of freezing time. Those lucky enough to be born on February 29th have this fantastic power. Enjoy every minute of it! Have the happiest leap year birthday!
- Happy __th birthday to the guy/gal/person who is forever young!

- Happy __th leap year birthday! May you always cherish the time you have and realize how lucky you are to live in the slow lane.
- Happy 3rd birthday little leapling! Now what should I call you? A threenager or a teenager?
- Happy birthday to the kid who grows by leaps and bounds every birthday!
- Happy birthday you HILL-ariousleaper! I hope that your big day is OVER the top! Welcome to your double-digits era!
- Happy birthday! Maybe if you didn’t party so hard, we could handle your birthday more than once every four years!
- Happy Leap Day birthday to a leapling who is out of this world! Tell us, have you met Clark Kent at Club 366 yet?
- Happy leap year birthday to one of the few members of Club 366! Go ahead—party like it’s 2021, 2022, 2023, and2024!
- Happy official birthday! Way to not lie about your age this year!
- Hi five birthday boy/girl/kid! You are twentytimes the man/woman/person I could have ever dreamt of being at your age!
- Hoppy__th birthday, leaper! Here’s hoping that at least 25% of your wishes come true.
- How special is it that you were born on one of life’s bonus days? Happy leap year birthday to a one-of-a-kind person!
- I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I would be willing to bet that you are older than __. Happy birthday to the forever young guy/gal/person!
- It feels like forever since we celebrated your last birthday! Hope the next four years are filled with fun!
- It’s so much fun to be ONE! Happy birthday little leapling! I hope that it’s unFOURgettable!
- Leaping lizards! It is finally your birthday! Make sure to party four times harder than everyone else!

- May the fourth yearbe with you! Happy leap year birthday!
- Sending you seven-lyhappy leap year birthday wishes!
- There is a big TWishing you nothing but SIX-cessin your next leap forward! Happy Leap Day birthday!
- WO do to check off our list today! It’s time to celebrate your leap year birthday! I hope that it’s gr-eight!
- To the legendary leaper who was made FOUR adventures! Hope you have a Happy Leap YearBirthday! Try not to drive your parents crazy.
- To the legendary leaper who was made FOUR adventures! Hope you have a happy leap year birthday! Try not to driveyour parents crazy!
- Unbe-leap-able!You are officially __ years old! Happy leap year birthday to my favorite leaper!
- We are leapingwith excitement to celebrate you! Happy __th birthday, little leapling!
- Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the person who is leaps and bounds above the rest!
- Wishing you nothing but the best on your leap year birthday! Have fun and try to notact your age!
Leap Year wishes and Quotes
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