Good evening message to make her smile and feel special has a great unique collection of best wishes, message, quotes, SMS, text message, notes, image, greetings. The best site for free readymade sample messages, wishes and quotes to wish. The excellent examples of wishes, message & quotes. To get your desired wishes, message, quotes and greetings just click on
Romantic good evening message, wishes and quotes for girlfriend
The evening is the sweet time gifted by the god which lies in between the harsh light of the day and deep darkness of the night. You may send lovely good evening messages to your sweetheart girlfriend at that time and make her to know about your feeling and love. Here are some good evening messages that can help you to write the perfect evening greetings to your beloved girlfriend.

Evening is a reflection of how your day was passed, it helps to refresh your body and gives it the ultimate goal for making your day complete. A very good evening.
Nothing is going to change my love for you, as you are mine and I am yours, I love you so much and I am ready to do anything for my love. Wishes you a good evening to my heart.
Evenings are always so special and beautiful that I love it. Have a good evening my princess.
Evenings are always the best time to take coffee, having prepared you a cup of coffee, I am waiting my love. Good evening my sweetheart.
You are always special to me, you are the most wonderful girl I have ever seen. Thank you my love for giving me the chance to be your part. Good evening my beauty queen.

Enjoy and feel your evening. Keep cool for evening has come for you to have all your problem solve and make you free. Lovely evening to the greatest love of my life.
You always remain in my heart, you will always be the most beautiful girl of my heart. Good evening my darling.
Here is my heart, I have offer given it to you to catch, without expecting in return. My love for you will never change, Have a Good evening my love.
I want you to know that I will share every moment with you, both happy and sad moment. I will always be ready to your side. Have a very Good evening.
I have always long for your hug that makes me amazing. I have always long for your kiss that make me wonder. Have a lovely evening my darling.
Good Evening message, wishes and quotes for Wife
The evening is the sweet time gifted by the god which lies in between the harsh light of the day and deep darkness of the night. You may send lovely good evening messages to your sweet lovely wife at that time and make her to know about your feeling and love. Here are some good evening messages that can help you to write the perfect evening greetings to your loved wife.

Evening is beautiful when you are with me; your smile and your sweet face make the moment colorful.
Evenings beauty are just like yours beauty, full of colors and new hopes. I wish you a good evening my heart.
When you are happy, it makes me happy too. I love you and wish you a very good evening.
Thank you for making my days so glorious and evenings full of colorful.
You had always with me in my good & bad times. Wishing you a good evening.
You are the reason behind all my smiles and laughs. You are the reasons all of my happiness. Wishing you a good evening.
Evening is the time for peace, where there is no tension at all. On this fresh evening, I feel you so much in my heart. Have a good evening, dear.
I feel my life is perfect to have you as my life partner. I thank God give me such a precious gift. Good evening.
If I will get the chance of another life in the next, I must still choose you in my lifetime. I love you more than my life. Good evening my dear wife.
My lovely wife, you are the root of all my happiness. I feel you more than that of me. I can only find all happiness in your arms. Good evening.
Love Messages for Wife
A wife is the other half of any man and a lifetime partner. Making your wife happy is as important as making yourself happy. A happy wife makes a man complete and making your wife happy is the responsibility of the man. Regardless of how many years have passed by in your marriage, it is never too late to start laying your feelings bare. She might not say this to you, but inside every woman is a girl who longs to be wooed and pampered. Don’t take her for granted and show your wife that you are indeed, the loving husband that she imagined you to be. has a great unique collection of best wishes, message, quotes, SMS, text message, notes, image, greetings. The best site for free readymade sample messages, wishes and quotes to wish. The excellent examples of wishes, message & quotes. To get your desired wishes, message, quotes and greetings just click on

Message # 1:
Loving you all these years is the air that keeps me breathing and the perfume that makes my life beautiful!
Message #2:
The most amazing thing with you, is that you still by my side supporting me in my every decision good or bad! I love you!
Message # 3:
People get high on tequila shots, while I get high on you. I love you.
Message #4:
Our wedding hasn’t drastically flipped my life upside down. But it has definitely become free of frowns. I love you.
Message # 5:
Researchers, miners and explorers who spend millions on finding the world’s most precious gems are fools. They don’t know that I have stolen it already and it is called YOU. I love you sweetheart.

Message # 6:
Early mornings and late nights are the best part of my day because I get to kiss my wife Good Morning and Good Night. I love you.
Message # 7:
I will never need an energy drink to give myself a boost, as long as I see that luscious smile on your beautiful face. I love you.
Message # 8:
I love you every day because you are the one for me. My love continues to grow stronger each day and my happiness is inexplicable. Tell me what you did to my heart to create this passion?
Message #9:
When it’s cold, your love keeps my heart warm. When it’s hot, your love melts my soul and keeps me secure. I can’t help but love you forever.
Message #10:
There is an ocean in your eyes, and I can see myself inside of it. It’s impossible to measure the depths of the love that I feel for you.

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