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Funeral flowers card messages

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Funeral flowers card messages

When you have suffered a loss, it can be difficult to find the appropriate words to express your grief. Sometimes, it is hard to find the words we wish to say to those who are no longer here, to help us say farewell. To help, we’ve compiled some example messages to assist you in writing your own card to accompany your funeral tribute. Our suggested funeral flower messages are there as a guide and can be customised as you wish. has a great unique collection of best wishes, message, quotes, SMS, text message, notes, image, greetings. The best site for free readymade sample messages, wishes and quotes to wish. The excellent examples of wishes, message & quotes. To get your desired wishes, message, quotes, SMS, text message, notes, image, greetings on different occasions, you just click on

Funeral flower message, quotes, wishes, tribute and card for grandma/grandmother

Message #1 

I am passing very difficult moment when important person of my family Grandma die. I cannot express my sorrow in word. I pray for her so that he gets peace in rest of life.


Message #2

Missing such a person in my life who was my important part in my family life. Without her I can’t pass any time more. But she is absent from my life. Pray for her to live in peace.


Message #3

Life is very short for everyone.  Today or tomorrow every man should die. But when Close relations person die, the feelings of sorrow are over. Then only work of us pray for them.


Message #4

Funeral is a pathetic for any one. In my grandmother funeral i can’t bear easily.  But nothing can i do except pray for her for happy time.


Message #5

Life is beautiful.  No one wants leave this beautiful easily. My grandmother was my heart. She was my favourite in my family. But today, in her funeral I only can pray for her.


Message #6

My grandmother was my happiness part in my.  I can share everything with her, but she leaves me forever.  In this funeral of her I can’t express any word of my sorrow.


Message #7

I broken into tears when my grandmother leave me from world. I can take it easily.  I can bear it, but it is universal truth.


Message #8

Sorrow for my grandmother funeral. All the members of my family can think how they pass their life without my grandmother.  It is very pathetic.


Message #9

If any sorrow in world I get, only then I get when my grandmother die. She was favourite person in my life.  I can’t forget her yet.


Message #10

I always pray for my grandmother for her pappy and peaceful life in rest of life. She was my first person who can give me happy well feeling.  Today I miss her.


Funeral flower messages, wishes, card and greetings messages for Dad/Father

To a child, a father is always a real hero even after his death; he remains a role model to every child. You can find all the great funerals messages for your father from here. Also you can follow our Facebook page and you can find other wish messages from our website.

Message #1

We lost a lot of valuable things that  day when  God was going to call  your name. We loved you so much in life; we do the same in death.


Message #2

Your death is not only yours.  It’s broke us very lot. We lose everything with you.  It’s not easy to forget you. You’re always in our mind.


Message #3

You left us so many  peaceful memories. Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you. You are always at our side.


Message #4

We were  broken that day,  we didn’t ready to you at all for losing but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again.


Message #5

You will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive. Rest in peace.


Message #6

I am so saddened to hear about the loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I want to offer my sincere condolences. I’m so sorry about your father’s death. I hope the good memories you have of him will comfort you in the days ahead.


Message #7

Dad, you left us quite early otherwise I would have shown to you how great of a daughter I have become. I am taking excellent care of the whole family and try to fulfill your absence but I cannot. My best prayers are with you!


Message #8

My late lovely father, your absence bites me a lot and with each passing day, I crave more for your affection and love. Why did you leave me so early? Your little daughter needs you a lot. I love you father and rest in peace!


Message #9

Hey dad, if you are listening to me, I just want to say that your little princess is not little anymore. Your departure has made me quite mature and empty from the inside. I will make you proud one day but you will not be there to pat my back. I love you daddy and I miss you like hell.


Message #10

It’s been 3 years since you have gone but I still believe you are here with me and guarding me all the time. Without you, even the happiest moments of my current life seem burdensome. Rest in peace, my awesome father!

Funeral flower message, wishes and quotes for mom/mother

To a child, a mother is always a real idol even after his death; he remains a role model to every child. You can find all the great funerals messages for your mother from here. Also you can follow our Facebook page and you can find other wish messages from our website.

Message #1

We lost a lot of valuable things that  day when  God was going to call  your name. We loved you so much in life; we do the same in death.


Message #2

Your death is not only yours.  It’s broke us very lot. We lose everything with you.  It’s not easy to forget you. You’re always in our mind.


Message #3

You left us so many  peaceful memories. Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you. You are always at our side.


Message #4

We were  broken that day,  we didn’t ready to you at all for losing but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again.


Message #5

You will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive. Rest in peace.


Message #6

I am so saddened to hear about the loss of your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I want to offer my sincere condolences. I’m so sorry about your mother’s death. I hope the good memories you have of her will comfort you in the days ahead.


Message #7

Mom, you left us quite early otherwise I would have shown to you how great of a daughter I have become. I am taking excellent care of the whole family and try to fulfill your absence but I cannot. My best prayers are with you!


Message #8

My late lovely mother, your absence bites me a lot and with each passing day, I crave more for your affection and love. Why did you leave me so early? Your little daughter needs you a lot. I love you mother and rest in peace!


Message #9

Hey mom, if you are listening to me, I just want to say that your little princess is not little anymore. Your departure has made me quite mature and empty from the inside. I will make you proud one day but you will not be there to pat my back. I love you mom and I miss you like hell.


Message #10

It’s been 3 years since you have gone but I still believe you are here with me and guarding me all the time. Without you, even the happiest moments of my current life seem burdensome. Rest in peace, my awesome mom!

Funeral prayers for a sister

The loss of a sister is a much painful Condolence wishes sent with the funeral flowers for sister’s funeral can be sent through cards along with notes of memories shared with the sister. Following are some of funeral flower text messages for sister:

Message #1:

My beautiful sister! She was such a lovely lady! I always felt her love. May she rest in peace.


Message #2:

Sending prayers of comfort during this sad time. Your sister was a bright and cheerful glow in many lives, she will surely be missed by many.


Message #3:

I send funeral flowers for my beloved sister. I will miss you, my beloved sister. I pray to Lord to bless your soul with eternal peace.


Message #4:

Our deepest condolences go out to you at the loss of such a truly beautiful person. May the memories you shared keep your sister alive in your hearts forever.


Message #5:

Sending you my deepest condolences and funeral flowers wreath on your funeral. Your sudden demise has saddened me a lot. May Lord bless your soul with eternal peace.


Message #6:

You were a favorite part of my childhood. Love you always, my sweet sister.


Message #7:

Sending you funeral flowers and wishes for you, my dear sister. I am deeply saddened by your demise. May your soul rest in peace.


Message #8:

We meet a lot of people. But no one is as special or will ever be, as my dear sister was and always will be to me.


Message #9:

If I had to think of a special friend, I’d think of someone near and dear who filled my days with joy, my sister.


Message #10:

Sleep peacefully my beloved sister, you will live on forever in my heart.


Funeral Messages and Prayers for Grandfather

When you have suffered a loss, it can be difficult to find the appropriate words to express your grief. Sometimes, it is hard to find the words we wish to say to those who are no longer here, to help us say farewell. To help, we’ve compiled some example messages to assist you in writing your own card to accompany your funeral tribute. Our suggested funeral messages are there as a guide and can be customised as you wish.

Message #1:

I can hear your news of death of your grandfather.  Really it is great pathetic matter for you. Hope you can reduce you sorrow as soon as possible.


Message #2:

You have on Great Grief after your grandfather died. You pass very critical moment now. Hope you can overcome your sorrow quickly.


Message #3:

None can live in the world forever.  Everybody has gone from this World today or tomorrow.  So my friend I only say you please, keep patience at this situation.


Message #4:

The life is very short.  Everyone should go from the beautiful world. I pray for your grandfather so that he gets happy rest of life.


Message #5:

Dear friend, I can understand you fact.  Nothing to say at this stage.  I only say you, do pray for your grandfather.


Message #6:

In short life, there is no specific date, when one dies, any time anyone can die in life.  Who we remain, we only pray for them.


Message #7:

Your pathetic moment is unbearable.  But you have to be patient at this moment. If you be weak now, how can bear your family member.


Message #8:

Nothing to say to give solaces you.  You to pass the moment with sorrow. But, I hope the loss you can make quickly by being patient.


Message #9:

No way of you gets back which you lost. Because who is gone, gone forever.  So we are very pathetic at this moment with you. Friend, hopefully you can overcome easily.


Message #10:

You grandfather was a great person.  He was very friendly with us.  I can’t forget his face, his smile.  I know you pass very pathetic moment now.  Please, don’t upset.  You pray for his happy moment rest of the life.


Funeral flower message, wishes, tribute, text, card and greetings messages for uncle

Funeral flowers for uncle are sent to place on the wreath on the coffin of the departed uncle as he is laid to rest. Some of sample of funeral flower messages for uncle are given below:

Message #1

Dear aunt, I send my loving condolences for the funeral of uncle. Have faith in Almighty and He will sail you through this grief and tough time.


Message #2

My deepest condolences on the loss of beloved uncle. Sending funeral flowers for his funeral. May his soul rest in peace.


Message #3

Goodbye for now uncle, I believe more than ever that someday I will see you again and never let you go. Sleep well and sweet dreams.


Message #4

A light has gone out of our lives, but our happy memories remain. I pray to Lord to bless your family with strength to recover this pain.


Message #5

This day our hearts are heavy for losing someone so special, but as we mourn your death, we also celebrate your life. Rest in peace.


Message #6

Heartfelt funeral wishes for the funeral ceremony of dear uncle. I hope dear aunt you get all the support during this difficult time.


Message #7

You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of a great person that you were. Rest in peace up in heaven!


Message #8

Loving funeral wishes for the death of uncle. I pray to the Almighty to bless the soul with peace .Let there be strength for the family members to overcome the loss.


Message #9

I don’t know how to console my grieving heart at your departure. I know mourning is not the best way to say goodbye to you, but I don’t know how to control myself!


Message #10

God has called back one of his angels. Let us pray that our uncle soul finds eternal peace. He shall always stay in our hearts.


Funeral Messages and Prayers for Wife

Witnessing the funeral of a wife and having to bear the loss of the beloved wife is the saddest thing for any husband. The funeral wishes can be sent with love notes for the wife and funeral white flowers for the wreath for the wife as she is laid to rest.

Message #1

To my lovely wife, I send you my love through these funeral flowers. I pray to Lord to give you eternal peace always.


Message #2

I will treasure every moment we shared, missing you, until we meet again. Rest well.


Message #3

It’s so hard to think of what to write as an appropriate message on funeral flowers.  How can I express my feelings and my memories in such a short note.


Message #4

There is no end to my grief journey because there is no end to my love for you. I always pray for you.


Message #5

The moment that you left me, my heart was spilt in two; one side was filled with memories; the other side died with you. I will never forget you. Love you so much dear.


Message #6

You will be missed but never forgotten.  You have captured a place in my hearts. Rest in Peace.


Message #7

Sleep peacefully my lovely wife, you will live on forever in my heart.


Message #8

I send you my love through these funeral flowers. You will always be in my hearts and memories wherever you are.


Message #9

Life has to end. Love doesn’t. I will love you forever.


Message #10

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation. Love you dear.


Funeral Messages, Wishes and Prayers to a Friend

When you have suffered a loss, it can be difficult to find the appropriate words to express your grief. Sometimes, it is hard to find the words we wish to say to those who are no longer here, to help us say farewell. To help, we’ve compiled some example messages to assist you in writing your own card to accompany your funeral tribute. Our suggested funeral messages are there as a guide and can be customised as you wish.

Message #1

I can hear your news of death of your grandfather.  Really it is great pathetic matter for you. Hope you can reduce you sorrow as soon as possible.


Message #2

You have on Great Grief after your grandmother died. You pass very critical moment now. Hope you can overcome your sorrow quickly.


Message #3

None can live in the world forever.  Everybody have to go from this World today or tomorrow like your brother.  So friend, I only say you please, keep patience at this situation.


Message #4

The life is very short.  Everyone should go from the beautiful world. I pray for your set sister who died few days ago so that he get happy rest of life.


Message #5

Dear friend, I can understand your fact. Nothing to say at this situation. I only say you, do pray for your uncle.


Message #6

In the short life, there is no specific date, when one die, any time anyone can die in life. Who we remain in the world, we only pray for them. So I pray for your Father.


Message #7

Your pathetic moment is unbearable. But you have to be patient at this moment. If you be weak now how can bear your family member this situation. I understand your situation after the death of your mother.


Message #8

Nothing to say to give solace you as you lost your wife. You are passing the moment with great sorrow. But, I hope the loss you can make up quickly by being patient.


Message #9

No way of you get back which you lost. Because who is gone, gone forever. So we are very pathetic at this moment with you. Friend, hopefully you can overcome easily. Rest in peace on your Sister in law.


Message #10

Your grandfather was a great person.  He was very friendly with us.  I can’t forget his face, his smile.  I know you pass very pathetic moment now. Please, don’t upset.  You pray for his happy moment rest of the life.

Funeral flower message, wishes, tribute, card and greetings for Nan

Funeral flowers for Nan are sent to place on the wreath on the coffin of the departed Nan as she is laid to rest. Some of sample of funeral flower messages for Nan are given below:


Message #1

Sending my condolences and funeral flowers for the funeral of our sweet and lovely Nan…………………… My thoughts and prayers are with her.


Message #2

My deepest condolences and funeral flowers for the funeral of our departed Nan ……… She was a great human being and my heart goes out to you in this time of grief.


Message #3

Sister …………………Through funeral flowers and notes, I send condolences and funeral wishes for the funeral of your beloved. May the departed soul rest in peace.

Message #4

I send all my condolences for the family members and funeral flowers for the departed soul. May Lord rest her soul in peace. She will always remain in my heart.


Message #5

Sister………………….May Lord give your beloved eternal peace in heaven. Sending my condolences and funeral flowers for the departed soul.


Message #6

I send my loving condolences for the funeral of our beloved Nan………………. Have faith in Almighty and she will sail you through this grief and tough time.


Message #7

My deepest condolences on the loss of our beloved Nan……………….. Sending funeral flowers for her funeral. May her soul rest in peace.


Message #8

Goodbye for our beloved Nan………………., I believe more than ever that someday I will see you again and never let you go. Sleep well and sweet dreams.


Message #9

A light has gone out of our lives, but our happy memories remain. Now goodbye our beloved Nan………………., May the departed soul rest in peace.


Message #10

This day our hearts are heavy for losing someone so special, but as we mourn your death, we also celebrate your life. Rest in peace.


Message #11

Heartfelt funeral wishes for the funeral ceremony of our beloved Nan……………….. May the departed soul rest in peace.


Message #12

You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of a great personality that you were. Rest in peace up in heaven!


Message #13

Loving funeral wishes for the death of our beloved Nan………………… I pray to the Almighty to bless the soul with peace


Message #14

I don’t know how to console my grieving heart at your departure. I know mourning is not the best way to say goodbye to you, but I don’t know how to control myself! I pray to the Almighty to bless the soul with peace


Message #15

God has called back one of his angels. Let us pray that our beloved Nan…………………soul finds eternal peace. She shall always stay in our hearts.

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